29 July, 2008

Adaptive Hypermedia 2008

I'm in the beautiful (and very big, to be honest) city of Hannover for 2 events:

Unfortunately, I will not be able to stay fr the all conference, and tomorrow I will fly back.

15 June, 2008

News from other blog

Today a friend of mine (Guenter Beham from Know-Center in Graz - Austria), that is present at the summer school, send me the link to his blog.
He promised me to post regularly experiences and impression from the EATEL summer school in Ohrid.
I hope to be 'virtually present' there by reading all the posts.
The link to the blog is:


14 June, 2008

The EATEL summer school and my failure [DAMMIT]

This morning I was in the Malpensa airport in order to fly to Macedonia.
Unfortunately, when I'm doing the check-in operation, the assistant has noticed that my passport isn't valid anymore because it was issued in 2002 and its validity is limited to 5 years, even if a 2003 law changed the rules, making it valid for 10 years...
Obviously I need to compile a module and ask the police authority to recognize this fact, otherwise it's not valid, and I haven't done it.
This is my fault, I know...

'BUT NO, f**k' was my reaction... :-/

So, at the end, I cannot go to the summer school because, to exit the EU area, I need to wait that all the procedures for the renew was done.

And that's all, till now...

Now, it's time to come back to Lugano and try to work hard to compensate this fault.

13 June, 2008

EATEL doctoral summer school 2008

From June 14th to 21th, I'll be in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia for a doctoral summer school on Technology Enhanced Learning.

I'm at the very beginning of my Ph.D. but it could be very interesting in doing a common network based on research interests
I hope it will be a great experience and help me to understand how to advance in my Ph.D. studies...

If anyone is interested in my CV, here can find my public profile on LinkedIN : http://www.linkedin.com/in/mazzolaluca
and my skype ID is:

See you soon in Ohrid, Luca.

13 April, 2008

Primary School Podcast

Stiamo lavorando ad un intetressante progetto per l'introduzione delle tecnologie della Informazione e della Comunicazione nelle scuole elemantari di Lugano.
Uno dei prodotti attesi é un podcast di materiali audio prodotti dagli studenti e disponibile qui:

Per maggiori info potete contattarmi all'indirizzo
luca.mazzola_at_lu.unisi.ch [sostituiendo _at_ con @]

--------EN section--------
We was working on an interesting project for introducing ICT into the Primary School in Lugano.

The school podcast is one part of this project.
I find it very interesting:

Unfortunately it's only in Italian...

If you're interested, feel free to contact me for more information about the project at
luca.mazzola_at_lu.unisi.ch [replace the _at_ with @]

30 March, 2008

Elezioni politiche 2008

La mia posizione: tutta da verificare...

20 March, 2008


Finally the holidays are arrived.

Good Easter to everyone.

11 March, 2008

Today Photo of Lugano

See this photo taken this morning in Lugano

Beautiful, eh?

04 March, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my new house in the cyberspace...

I'll publish here some short report of my everyday life...

See you soon.
Byez, Luca.